Monday, 28 November 2011

Emerald Damselfly (Lestes sponsa)

A female Emerald Damselfly at the Dragonfly pool on August 27, 2011 (photo BG)

Scarce and local with only small populations, breeding not proved

2006: 22/7: one male on Number 1 pool (the first record); 11/9: one male at Dragonfly pool 2007: 31/7: two males at the Dragonfly pool; 6/8: one male at the Dragonfly pool; 8/8: three males at the Dragonfly pool; 23/8: one male at the Compound dipping pond.

2008: 15/8: one male at the Compound dipping pond.

2009: 5/8: one male in Boilton Marsh; 18/8: one at Fishing Pond; 12/9: one in Boilton Marsh/Fishing Pool area.

2010: no records.

2011: 30/7: 3 males Boilton Marsh; 21/8: four males at Allen's pool; 27/8: a female at the Dragonfly pool; 9/9: 3 males at the Dragonfly pool; 1/10: one female at Sophie's pool.

2012: 12/7: Fishing pool (1 female); 15/7: Dragonfly pool (1 male); 22/7: Dragonfly pool (1 female) 14/8: Allen’s pool (2); 20/8: Dragonfly pool (1 male); 23/9: Dragonfly pool (1 very mature).

2013: 16/7: Boilton Marsh (7, incl 3 pairs in tandem/ovipositing); 19/7: Boilton Marsh: Allen’s pool (1m), elsewhere in small pools in the marsh (4m); 27/7: Dragonfly pool (1m); 10/8: Dragonfly pool (2m); 13/8: Satellite pool (Dragonfly pool area) (3m); 15/8: Dragonfly pool (1m).

2014: 21/6: Dragonfly pool (1, first of season); 27/7: Dragonfly pool (10+)


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