Monday, 28 November 2011

Blue-tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans)

Male Blue-tailed Damselfly near the Meadow pool, May 18, 2011 (photo MF)

Very frequent, especially locally. Breeding.

2009: 24/5: 10+ at Dragonfly pool; 30/5: 50+ at Dragonfly pool; 13/6: one; 16/6: 4; 10/7: 4.

2010: 30/5: 20+, mainly immatures; 20/6: 4 males; 21/8: 10+ seen; 4/9: 1 male.

2011: 29/4: 2 males; 1/5: many males as well as female f.rufescans & f.violacea; 3/5, 4/5, 11/5, 18/5, 21/5, 29/5, 2/6, 6/8: always very frequent, especially around the Meadow pool; 10/6: 50+ including many females f. violacea and f. rufescens; 24/6 and 26/6: 'many'; 9/9: one only; 1/10: 4 only.

2012: This species was too frequent and widespread over most of the Reserve to be itemised in detail. The first sighting was of two on May 12 but by June 10 counts of 300+ were made. They were seen in good numbers throughout June before tailing off in July (although 30+ were seen as late as August 5) with the last one on August 23.

2013: Recorded from May 19-September 29. This species was too frequent and widespread over most of the Reserve to be itemised in detail. The first sighting was of two individuals on May 19, later than last year, but by the end of the month and throughout June, high counts were made. They remained frequent throughout July and well into August with stragglers being seen in September, the last sighting being on the 29th (much later than last year).
2014: Recorded from May 16 onwards, very frequent on the Reserve.




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