Very common over most of the Reserve. Breeding
2009: 24/5: 30 at Dragonfly pool, 30 on Boilton Marsh; 30/5: 200+; 12/6 200+ at Fishing pool; 22/8: 200+; 9/9: 25; 12/9: 10.
2010: 30/5: 10+ seen; 8/8: 100+ seen; 21/8: 50+ seen; 30/8: 1 female; 4/9: 30+ seen.
2011: 1/5, 3/5, 4/5, 17/5, 18/5, 21/5, 24/5, 29/5, 3/6, 6/6, 16/6, 23/7, 24/6, 26/6, 4/8, 18/8, 21/8 (10+, incl one female 'blue'form), 31/8, 4/9 (30+), 9/9: very frequent all over the site, (30+, incl 2 pairs ovipositing); 25/9: 6+ males; 1/10: 4 on Boilton Marsh.
2012: This species was too frequent and widespread over most of the Reserve to be itemised in detail. The first sighting was of an immature on April 30. Numbers gradually rose during May followed by large counts from June to mid-August when they rapidly tailed off. The last two were seen on October 8.
2013: Recorded over the period May
19-September 29. Again, this species was too
frequent and widespread over most of the Reserve to be itemised in detail. The first sighting was of an
immature on May 19, three weeks later than in 2012. Numbers then rose rapidly
with large counts during June, July and August. They then rapidly tailed off in
September, the last two being recorded
on the 29th.
2014: Very frequent. First record of the season was at the Meadow pool on May 16.
* In 2006, AH recorded 1000+ seen in one day
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