Monday, 28 November 2011

Four-spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata)

Four-spotted Chaser, f. praenubila (with dark-banded wing tips) at the Dragonfly pool, June 21, 2010 (photo MF)

Common over much of the Reserve. Breeding.

2009: 31/5: 5 at Dragonfly pool; 13/6: 3; 14/6: 6 at Dragonfly pool; 16/6: 2 seen; 10/7: one.

2010: 25/5: 5 seen; 12/6: 6 seen; 12+20+26/6: approx. 6 seen; 20/6: 10 seen.

2011: 30/4: three at the Dragonfly pool were the earliest ever at Brockholes; 1/5: one recently emerged with with a damaged wing; 21/5: 3; 3/6: 5 at Dragonfly pool; 14/6: ten at Boilton marsh; 26/6: 5 seen; 3/7: 2 at Boilton Marsh.

2012: 13/5: Dragonfly pool (1); 28/5: Dragonfly pool & Boilton Marsh (20+); 1/6: probably the Dragonfly pool (1); 6/6: Dragonfly pool (2); 10/6: Dragonfly pool (3); 12/6: Dragonfly pool (1); 18/6: Various parts of site (18+); 19/6: Dragonfly pool (2); 24/6: Dragonfly pool (2); 28/6: Dragonfly pool (4); 3/7: Dragonfly pool (2); 5/7: Dragonfly pool (1); 7/7: Dipping pool (3); Boilton Marsh (2); 14/8: Various parts of site (4).

2013: 25/5: Meadow pool (1); 26/5: Dragonfly pool (2); 31/5: Dragonfly pool (4); 1/6: Reserve unlocalised (8); 2/6: Dragonfly pool area (15); 3/6: Dragonfly pool/Meadow pool (5); 5/6: Meadow pool (10); Fishing pool (2); 6/6: No.1 pool outlet (1); Dragonfly pool (3); 8/6: Q-s pool (1); Dragonfly pool (8); 9/6: Q-s pool (1); 10/6: Dragonfly pool (8); 12/6: Dragonfly/Meadow pool (3); 24/6: Middle-layby/Meadow pool (few); 25/6: Dragonfly pool (1); 26/6: Qs pool (1); Dipping pool (8); Car park-Dipping pool (2); 29/6: Dragonfly pool (4); M6 track (1); Boilton wood (4); 30/6: Dragonfly pool (2); Allen’s pool (2); 1/7: Dragonfly pool (1); Bramble bush (1); N of Fishing pool (1); 4/7: Dipping pool (7); Boilton Wood (1); N of Fishing pool (1); 5/7: Dipping pool (7); 7/7: Boilton Marsh/Sophie’s pool (14); Allen’s pool (20); 8/7: Fishing Pool/Q-s area (4); 9/7: Dipping pool (3); 10/7: Dippng pool (5); 14/7: Dipping pool (3, including 1 praenubila); 16/7: Dipping pool area (3); Allen’s pool (8); 19/7: Dragonfly pool (2); No.2 pool (3); Q-s pools (15 incl 1 ovipos female); Allen’s pool (9 incl 1 ovipos female); Boilton Marsh elsewhere (13); Dipping pool (1); 30/7: Dipping pool (1); 7/8: Fishing pool (1); near woodland path (1).
2014: 14/5: Q-pool + Boilton Wood (2); 25/6: Boilton Wood margin/marsh (2); Fishing Pool (2); Dipping pool (1); 18/7: Dragonfly pool (2); 22/7: Fishing pool (8); 25/7: Dragonfly pool (5); Dipping pool (3); 27/7: Dragonfly pool (2); 28/7: Q-s pool area (4); 5/8:  Dipping pool (1).


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