Monday, 28 November 2011

Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea)

Southern Hawker by Ribble Way, July 22, 2010 (photo MF)

Originally scarce, but now (2013) there is evidence of breeding and it is much more frequent
2009: 9/9: one male; 12/9: one male at Fishing pool, one male at Dragonfly pool; 30/9: one male east side of Meadow pool.

2010: 15+16+ 21/8: one seen; 22.7: one by Ribble Way; 4/9: one male. Remains scarce.

2011: 21/8: one female ovipositing at Allen's pool; 9/9: two (1m + 1f) near Dragonfly pool.4

2012: 15/7: Entrance to Boilton wood (1 immature male); 26/7: Margins of Boilton Wood (2); 10/8: Fishing pool/Allen’s Pool (1 male); 24/8: Fishing Pool (1, possibly 2); 1/9: Dragonfly pool (1); 3/9: Boilton Wood entrance (1 male); 4/9: Fishing Pool (1); 15/9: Dragonfly pool (1 female).

2013: 29/6: Boilton Wood stile (1); 7/7: Dragonfly pool area (1 possible); 18/7: Dragonfly pool (1); 19/7: Dragonfly pool (1); M6 track-M6 (1); 25/7: Boilton Wood stile area (1); 27/7: Dragonfly pool (1); 30/7: Boilton wood stile area (1); 7/8: Dipping pool (2); 12/8: Reported (1f); 15/8: Boilton Wood margin (1); 20/8: Fishing pool (2); Boilton Wood lowest track (2); 21/8: Boilton Wood glade (1 possible); 22/8: Boilton Wood glade (1m); small pool near N boundary of Boilton/Red Scar Woods (1f ovipositing); 1/9: Boilton Wood (1m); 3/9: Fishing pool (2); Centre delivery path (2); 7/9: Hairstreak stile area (1); 9/9: Fishing pool (1); 29/9: unlocalised across the Reserve (1f); 24/10: unlocalised across the Reserve (1); 25/10: Boilton Wood (1 possible?).
2014: 6/7 Boilton Wood (1); 9/7 Reserve in general (1); 18/7 Dragonfly pool (2); 25/7 circuit of No1 pool (1 fem); circuit of No2 pool (1 fem); Boilton Marsh (1); Dumper crossing to Boilton Wood (1); Meadow Pool (1); 2/8 Hairstreak stile (several); 5/8 Boilton Wood (4); 15/9 Fishing pool (1); Dipping pool (1); 16/10 Fishing pool (2).



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