Monday, 28 November 2011

Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens)

Banded Demoiselle, female, near Meadow pool, May 21, 2011 (photo MF)

Quite frequent, breeding.
2009: 29/5: 3 at the Dragonfly pool; 12/6: 2 on Boilton Marsh; 14/6: 2/7: one at the Quicksand pool north.

2010: 25/5: 2 seen; 4/6: 7 seen; 12/6: 30 seen; 20/6: 2 males; 26/6: 1 male.

2011: 11/5, 18/5, 21/5 several of both sexes on each occasion at S end of Meadow pool; 3/6: 4 at Dragonfly pool; 14/6: 3 at Dragonfly pool; 24/6: 4 males; 30/7: one at Dragonfly pool.

2012: 25/5: bank of the Ribble (1); 28/5: Dragonfly pool (1); Boilton marsh (1); 18/6: Various parts of the Reserve (7); 3/7: near Dragonfly pool (6); 7/7: Dragonfly pool (1 female); 15/7: Boilton Wood (1 male).

2013: 3/6: By the Ribble (3); near the Ribble hide (1); 5/6: Meadow pool area (3); Hairstreak stile (1); 6/6: Outlet from No.1 pool (4m & 2 fem); 8/6: Dragonfly pool area  (1); 10/6: Dragonofly pool (1); 26/6: By the Ribble (2m); 4/7: Hairstreak stile (1m); North of Fishing pool (1).

2014: 13/5: by the Ribble (1, first of the season); 19/5: Ribble weir area (4m + 4f); Dragonfly pool (1m); S of Meadow pool (2); 26/5: Meadow pool (3m + 2f); M6 embankment (1m); 3/6: Hairstreak stile (2); Fishing pool (1); Boilton Wood (1); 8/6: Dragonfly pool  (1); 10/6: Dipping pool (1f); Q-sand pool (1f); River Ribble (4); 12/6: small area by Ribble (40+); 17/6: Visitor Centre boardwalk (1m); 25/6: Fishing pool (1); 30/6: Fishing pool (1).


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